Ideapod Scholarship for International Students 2015 - Online International Scholarships 2019 | 2020

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Friday, September 11, 2015

Ideapod Scholarship for International Students 2015

Ideapod Scholarship for International Students, 2015

Scholarship Info
Together with ADC Forum, Ideapod is awarding a US$2000 scholarship for the best idea on the future of work. University students worldwide are invited to enter.

Applicant must be a student (undergraduate or postgraduate) enrolled in a degree at an accredited University, anywhere in the world.

Applicant’s idea should include the future of work in the body of the idea.

Preferred Discipline
Scholarship is available student (undergraduate or postgraduate) enrolled in a degree at an accredited University, anywhere in the world.

The ADC Forum and Ideapod will award US$2000 to the winning student.
How to Apply 
Sign up at ideapod
Answer the following question and can include an image or YouTube/Vimeo video on “What will Artificial Intelligence mean for work?” The best response, made using Ideapod’s 1000 character limit, will be chosen as the winner.