Scholarship details
The SHARE Scholarship is a scholarship
programmefor intra-ASEAN and ASEAN-EU mobility. The scholarship provides
fully funded,short-term (one semester) exchange of students from a
network of 32participating universities across the region. It is open to
students who havecompleted at least two semesters of study and have
been accepted to study atone of the participating universities.
Applicant must meet all the below requirements
- The SHARE Scholarship is meant for active undergraduate ASEANstudents from selected ASEAN Universities that have completedat least 2 semestersattheirhomeuniversityto study forone semesteratanother selected ASEAN universities.
- Exchange students can comefromall ASEAN countries. Students form ASEAN Member States,exceptfor BruneiDarussalam and Singapore, are eligible for receiving scholarship funds fromthis program in line with the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI)Regulation. However, students from Brunei and Singapore can participate in themobility programme at their own cost.
- StudentsMUSTbeaccepted to a mobility programme (at least 1 semester) and get Letter(s) of Acceptancefrom intended Host/receiving universities before applying for a SHAREscholarship.